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InternetEmployee respects and seeks to ensure the privacy of every individual who visits our Web site or sends us e-mail. As such, InternetEmployee has adopted this on-line privacy policy which outlines what information InternetEmployee will collect and how we will use it. This policy will also instruct you on what to do if you do not wish to continue receiving information from us.

1. Type of information collected.

For each visitor to our Web site, our Web server automatically recognizes only the user's domain name, and not the individual user's e-mail address. Thus, the only way we obtain a visitor's name, e-mail address or other personal information is when you provide it to us voluntarily, such as through survey information and/or site registrations. We do not place any information-gathering devices, such as "cookies", on our visitors' hard drives. We do, however, collect aggregate information on what pages visitors to our site access.


2. Use of information collected.

The information we collect is used to (i) determine the number of visitors to our site each day and the sources of such traffic, (ii) improve the content and layout of our Web site, and (iii) contact businesses for marketing purposes. We do not sell, rent, lease or otherwise share the information we collect from you with other organizations for commercial purposes. Also, we do not partner or have special relationships with any ad server companies.


3. Children.

The InternetEmployee Web site is not intended to attract children under the age of 13. Ordering on-line products and services from InternetEmployee is limited to adults. If a child submits information to us through any part of our site, and we know that person is under 13, we delete the information as soon as we discover it and do not use it for any purpose or disclose it to third parties.


4. Data security.

InternetEmployee's Web site contains several venues and forms through which visitors may send and request information. Unless we state otherwise, our on-line forms are not encrypted. Thus, persons who actively attempt to intercept web transmissions may be able to read information sent to us. However, electronic and managerial safeguards have been established to secure the information after it has been received.


5. Declining e-mail and other solicitations.

If you do not wish to receive e-mail from InternetEmployee in the future, please let us know by sending us an e-mail at or by writing us at Brooklyn Navy Yard, Bldg. 120, Ste. 207, Brooklyn, NY 11205.
If you supply InternetEmployee with your postal address on-line, you may receive periodic mailings from us with information on new products and services or upcoming events. If you do not wish to receive such mailings, please let us know by sending us an e-mail at the above address containing your exact name and address.

We may contact by phone those persons who supply us with their telephone numbers on-line to provide them with information regarding new products and services or upcoming events. If you do not wish to receive such telephone calls, please let us know by sending us an e-mail at the above address containing your name and telephone number.

We will always attempt to promptly and correctly process your request.


6. E-mail sent to you.

Normal e-mail sent to you by InternetEmployee is not encrypted. While we are responsible for the privacy of e-mail messages stored on our network, we cannot be responsible for the privacy of messages transmitted to you or your e-mail provider. Thus, persons who actively attempt to intercept Web transmissions may be able to read e-mail that we send you. If you ask us questions or make information requests via e-mail, you are authorizing InternetEmployee to respond to you in an unencrypted e-mail message that may contain private information about you previously submitted to us.


7. Links to and from other sites.

From time to time, the InternetEmployee Web site may contain links to other sites that are not operated by InternetEmployee. Neither InternetEmployee nor any of its affiliates are responsible for the content or privacy policies of those sites and our on-line privacy policy does not apply to them. Such Web sites may collect information from you, either through the use of Internet cookies or otherwise, and make uses of it that InternetEmployee would not. You should keep this in mind when accessing other sites through links on our Web site. Also, neither InternetEmployee nor any of its affiliates are responsible for the content or privacy policies of any Internet site that links to our site.


8. Your consent; Changes.

By using our Web site, you consent to the collection and use of the information discussed above by InternetEmployee. Any changes in our on-line privacy policy will be posted on this page so that you will always be aware of the information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances we may disclose it. If you are concerned about how your information is used, you should check back at our Web site periodically. For any changes, we will only use data collected from the time of the policy change forward.


9. Contacting us.

InternetEmployee welcomes your questions and comments about privacy and this policy. If you have any questions about our policies or our Web site in general, please contact us as indicated below.

Our mailing address is :
Brooklyn Navy Yard, Bldg. 120, Ste. 207, Brooklyn, NY 11205.

We can also be reached by E-mail at
or by Telephone at 1-718-852-9064.


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